sur 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty

2-10 Home Buyers Warranty Expands into Oklahoma

2-10 Home Buyers Warranty has introduced its Home Warranty Service Plan in Oklahoma. This expansion allows Oklahomans to access comprehensive systems and appliances protection, including complimentary Seller Coverage, which aims to enhance real estate listings.

As stated by CEO Ryan O'Hara, this move aligns with the company's history of collaboration with Oklahoma's builders. Known for its New Home Warranty Program, 2-10 has covered about one in five new homes in the U.S.

The company offers customizable plans that cover major home systems such as HVAC, plumbing, and electrical, alongside kitchen appliances. According to Chief Business Officer Ray Picard, 2-10 is committed to delivering excellent services in Oklahoma, continuing a 40-year legacy.

The expansion supports the company's growth strategy, offering benefits to real estate professionals and homeowners through trusted service solutions.

R. P.

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