2024: ENENSYS Technologies records 24% growth

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action ENENSYS (EPA:ALNN6).

ENENSYS Technologies Group announces annual revenue of €15.1 million for 2024, marking a significant increase of 24%. This growth reflects the strength and diversification of its global activities, particularly in the EMEA region, which contributed €9.4 million, an increase of 22.5%. The Asian market also recorded notable gains with an increase of 57%.

In France, revenues remained stable, boosted by partnerships such as those with Bouygues Telecom and France Télévisions. However, North America still presents challenges, requiring revitalization under the leadership of Ralph Bachofen.

The EBITDA margin is expected to exceed 10%, and ENENSYS is starting 2025 with caution, despite its ambitions to develop new markets and technological standards, particularly in the field of space communications.

R. E.

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