sur Forever Healthy Foundation GGmbH

2024 Rejuvenation Startups Summit: Program and Speakers Announced

The Forever Healthy Foundation presents the program and complete list of speakers for the 2024 Rejuvenation Startups Summit, to be held in Berlin on May 10 and 11, 2024. This event brings together CEOs from rejuvenation and longevity biotechnology and sector investors, aiming to develop therapies to significantly extend human healthspan.

The summit features startup presentations, a networking forum, panel discussions, and keynote presentations. With industry leaders such as Michael Greve and Alex Blyth, and investors like Jens Eckstein, the event promises essential networking opportunities. Over 40 speakers will participate to share advances in regenerative therapy, translating fundamental research into tangible medical applications, and the impact on human health and longevity.

The Forever Healthy Foundation, led by Michael Greve, organizes this summit as part of its humanitarian initiative to accelerate the transition to a world free of age-related diseases. The summit also aims to drive the growth of the rejuvenation biotechnology industry.

R. H.

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