sur A2Z Cust2Mate Solutions Corp. (NASDAQ:AZ)
A2Z Cust2Mate Solutions Corp. Announces Proposed Public Offering

A2Z Cust2Mate Solutions Corp. has announced a proposed public offering of its common shares. The offering will be underwritten, though its completion depends on market conditions. The company aims to use the proceeds to enhance its business operations, fulfil backlog orders, and onboard new clients.
Titan Partners Group, a division of American Capital Partners, will serve as the sole bookrunner. The securities will be offered via a shelf registration statement filed with the SEC. A preliminary prospectus will be available on the SEC’s website once filed.
The announcement does not constitute a sale offer or solicitation in regions where it would be unlawful. This planned offering is a strategic move to support A2Z's growth goals in its technology solutions sector.
R. H.
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