sur SEAM Group

ABB acquires SEAM Group to strengthen its presence in growing markets

SEAM Group has announced its acquisition by ABB, a global leader in electrification and automation, in a deal aimed at expanding ABB's reach in key sectors. This transaction, subject to regulatory approval, is expected to be completed in the third quarter of 2024. This merger allows ABB to consolidate its electrification services offering and meet increasing industrial demands for asset modernization and optimization.

By combining ABB's technologies with SEAM Group's expertise in predictive, preventive, and corrective maintenance, electrical safety, and asset management, this acquisition promises to enhance safety and operational excellence. SEAM Group serves over 800 clients in sectors such as data centers, healthcare, and electric vehicle charging infrastructure, thereby expanding ABB's presence in these areas.

ABB and SEAM Group aim to develop new levels of operational performance and support companies in their energy transition. "This acquisition is an integral part of our strategy to create a new force in electrification service," said Stuart Thompson, President of the ABB Electrification Service division.

R. H.

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