sur ESTAVIS AG (isin : DE000A0KFKB3)
Accentro Bondholders Approve Amendments to Bond Terms
Bondholders of Accentro Real Estate AG have approved amendments concerning the 2020/2026 bond terms. This decision came after a proposal was put forward by Accentro on 5 November 2024, suggesting adjustments to a repayment obligation of EUR 65 million and a deferred interest payment, initially due at the end of December 2024. These changes are intended to aid ongoing restructuring talks.
Following an announcement in the Federal Gazette on 7 November 2024, bondholders were invited to vote on the proposal without a physical meeting. The resolution received the required approval, contingent upon several conditions including similar deferral agreements with the holders of the 2021/2029 bond and prolongation of bridge notes, each extending until 30 June 2025.
R. P.
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