sur ESTAVIS AG (isin : DE000A0KFKB3)

Accentro Real Estate AG Reports Significant Equity Loss

Accentro Real Estate AG has announced a significant reduction in its equity capital due to extraordinary devaluations necessary for the financial year 2023 audit. The management board anticipates that the company's equity capital has decreased to less than half of its share capital. These financial adjustments are linked to corrections amounting to approximately EUR 26 million as demanded during the finalization of the 2023 audit, with ongoing impacts expected in the 2024 financial statements.

The board does not foresee substantial effects on ongoing negotiations for a comprehensive restructuring solution led by the Ad Hoc Group. To address these financial changes, Accentro will convene a General Meeting to officially notify the loss of half of the share capital, in compliance with Section 92 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG).

R. P.

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