Accor Files 2023 Universal Registration Document with French Financial Markets Authority

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action ACCOR (EPA:AC).

Accor revealed it has officially filed its 2023 Universal Registration Document, including the Annual Financial Report, with the Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) in France. The document, filed on March 29, 2024, is available in the European Single Electronic Format (ESEF), marking an updated compliance step in financial reporting.

The Universal Registration Document encompasses several key financial reports and statements for the year 2023. Notably, it includes the Annual Financial Report, a comprehensive report from the Board of Directors on corporate governance, detailed Statutory Auditors’ reports including their fees, and an outline of the share buyback program. Accor's move to file this document demonstrates its commitment to transparency and adherence to regulatory requirements.

Interested parties, investors, and the general public can access and download this intricate financial document either through Accor’s website, particularly in the Finance section, or via the AMF's official website. This accessibility ensures that Accor's stakeholders are well-informed about the company's financial health and governance practices.

R. H.

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