sur Spirits Capital Corporation (NASDAQ:SSCC)

Adam Handelsman Promoted to Executive Vice President at Spirits Capital Corporation

Spirits Capital Corporation, a fintech leader in the barrel-aged spirits market, has announced the promotion of Adam Handelsman to Executive Vice President. Adam joined the company in 2023, notably shaping its external communications and branding strategy, focusing on securing national coverage and fostering relationships within the industry.

In his new role, Handelsman will oversee vital areas like external communications and the global branding of the Distilled Barrels Financial Exchange (DBFEX™). He aims to drive the DBFEX™ brand regionally, nationally, and globally, collaborating closely with senior leadership.

Chairman & CEO Todd Sanders praised Adam's dedication and leadership as crucial to the firm's successes, expressing confidence in his continued positive impact on Spirits Capital and DBFEX™.

R. H.

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