Additional Contribution for BROADPEAK SA's Liquidity Agreement
BROADPEAK SA, based in Cesson-Sévigné, France, announced on February 21, 2024 an additional contribution of 20,000 euros as part of its liquidity agreement with TP ICAP (Europe). This agreement concerns BROADPEAK shares (ISIN code: FR001400AJZ7). Following this contribution, the total funds allocated to the agreement now amount to 250,000 euros.
In the semi-annual report of December 29, 2023, it was indicated that the liquidity account held 45,620 shares and 25,951.36 euros in cash. When it was established on July 12, 2022, the agreement started with an initial cash contribution of 200,000 euros, without any shares. TP ICAP (Europe), responsible for the agreement, is regulated by the ACPR and the AMF.
The company specialized in software solutions for streaming also specified that its annual results for the year 2023 will be disclosed on April 15, 2024, followed by the first-quarter 2024 revenue, which will be announced on April 29, 2024.
R. H.
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