sur ADS-TEC Energy GmbH
ADS-TEC Energy Unveils New Features at Power2Drive Europe
ADS-TEC Energy, renowned for its ultra-fast charging technology, is set to introduce new features for its ChargePost at Power2Drive Europe in Munich. The enhancements include longer cables with higher current ratings, an optional cable suspension for commercial vehicles, and a roof supporting photovoltaic (PV) modules.
Sascha König, Director of Product Marketing, highlighted the practical benefits of the new cable management system and PV roof that powers advertising screens and other components. The new features improve customer experience, reduce energy costs, and expand ChargePost’s applications.
The new cable suspension offers more installation flexibility and better illumination for a safe charging experience. Additionally, new high-performance charging cables can now charge 400-volt vehicles at up to 400 amps, ensuring faster charging times.
ADS-TEC Energy's battery-buffered technology enables ultra-fast charging even on power-limited grids. Integrated batteries allow multiple services, including integration with solar power, avoiding peak loads, and generating advertising revenue.
The company simplifies the installation process, negating the need for costly grid expansions. This technology has earned ADS-TEC Energy prestigious awards, including the German Innovation Award 2024.
R. H.
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