sur Advanced Blockchain AG (isin : DE000A0M93V6)

Advanced Blockchain AG Acquires Arweave Tokens Valued at USD 186,000

Berlin-based Advanced Blockchain AG has announced receiving 13,105 Arweave tokens. This acquisition, valued at approximately USD 186,000, stems from the company's involvement in the Permanent Ventures Fund, a key player in decentralized storage technologies linked to the Arweave ecosystem.

The CFO of Advanced Blockchain AG, Maik Laske, emphasized the strategic benefits of this investment. He highlighted the company's commitment to providing sustainable value for shareholders. Hatem Elsayed, COO, pointed out the growing importance of decentralized storage solutions in the data-driven world, with the market expected to exceed USD 100 billion by 2030.

Through its participation in Permanent Ventures, Advanced Blockchain AG is strengthening its position in blockchain technologies, harnessing the potential of the Arweave ecosystem for next-generation data storage solutions.

R. P.

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