sur Affluent Medical (isin : FR0013333077)
Affluent Medical successfully completes the pilot phase of its Artus urinary sphincter
Affluent Medical announced that it has successfully completed the pilot phase of its clinical study on the Artus urinary sphincter. The tenth implantation took place in Poland in January 2025. The sphincter aims to treat stress urinary incontinence in men with a minimally invasive procedure. So far, all devices have been successfully activated, and the device has a good safety profile.
This achievement marks a crucial step, leading to the preparation of the pivotal phase planned for the second quarter of 2025, involving more patients. Affluent Medical is also considering a pilot study in women, planned for early 2025, as urinary incontinence mainly affects the female population.
The market for medical devices for incontinence is growing, expected to reach $4.3 billion by 2027. The Artus implant, activated by remote control, could meet this demand, offering a solution to improve the quality of life of patients.
R. E.
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