sur IAVI

Africa CDC and IAVI Sign MoU to Boost Vaccine and Antibody Research in Africa

The Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) and IAVI, a nonprofit scientific research organization, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to enhance Africa's disease-fighting capacity. This agreement aims to expand research, development, and manufacturing capabilities for vaccines and antibodies, supporting Africa CDC-led initiatives with expert assistance and shared resources.

This partnership marries IAVI’s expertise in vaccine and antibody development with the extensive network and know-how of Africa CDC. It will address urgent public health challenges and foster long-term health security. Key initiatives focus on developing vaccines and antibodies for regional health priorities such as Lassa fever and HIV, creating a sustainable supply ecosystem, and improving African research capacity.

The MoU aligns with the New Public Health Order's call for action-oriented partnerships, furthering Africa's vision for a redefined global health architecture. Supported by IAVI's funders and partners including Wellcome, CEPI, EDCTP, USAID, and PEPFAR, these initiatives aim for rapid responses during health crises.

R. E.

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