Agreement between Alstom and KNDS for the future of the Görlitz site

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action ALSTOM (EPA:ALO).

Alstom and KNDS have formalized a framework agreement for the takeover of the Görlitz site in Germany, thus securing a long-term future for a large part of the employees. In 2025, KNDS will start integrating between 350 and 400 of the current 700 employees. At the same time, 75 others could be repositioned at different KNDS sites, and 100 will find opportunities within Alstom.

KNDS plans to produce components for the LEOPARD 2, PUMA and BOXER military vehicles there from 2025, with a transition to be completed in 2027. The partnership has been publicly welcomed by local political figures, including Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer.

R. P.

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