AGRIPOWER: 2024-2025 activity report and preservation of cash flow

Agripower France announces a review of its activity for the 2024-2025 financial year. The company is now focusing on biomethane injection methanization units. Since January, the company has commissioned its 100th methanization unit and signed the first biomethane resale contract in France. It has also converted a cogeneration unit to biomethane injection.
Agripower's biogas portfolio includes 34 projects, despite the cancellation of 6 projects. The company suspends cogeneration development, impacted by the economy, and focuses on biomethane units, including new sites and conversions.
Agripower has also acquired a methanisation unit in Auvergne, aiming for an injection capacity of 600 Nm3/h by 2027. Biomethane revenues are secured by a six-year contract with Save Energies. Cash flow remains stable at more than €4 million at the end of 2024.
R. H.
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