AGRIPOWER FRANCE SA: Annual results 2023-2024

Agripower France has announced its annual results for 2023-2024, with an economic turnover of €4.8 million. This year was marked by a strategic transition and a drastic revision of the order book. The strong growth in services, up 42%, contrasts with a net accounting result of -€4.9 million, impacted by cancellations of previous projects.
Gross cash available as of June 30, 2024 amounts to €5.6 million, with a positive net cash position of €2.5 million. The strategic refocusing towards the development of biomethane injection methanization units and recurring services is at the heart of future objectives. Agripower plans to achieve a turnover of more than €10 million and to be profitable by 2025-2026.
With an order book of €10.5 million, mainly composed of on-farm and large-scale methanization projects, and a portfolio of advanced projects representing a potential of €20 million, the company is aiming for growth and a significant reduction in losses from next year.
R. E.
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