sur AI/ML Innovations Inc. (isin : CA00143Y1034)

AI/ML Innovations Inc. Schedules Upcoming Townhall with CEO Paul Duffy

AI/ML Innovations Inc., a pioneer in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning solutions, has announced a live townhall event to take place on April 7th. The virtual event, available for attendees worldwide, will commence at 4:00 PM PST/7:00 PM EST. This gathering allows stakeholders, including shareholders, investors, clients, and enthusiasts within the AI/ML industry, an exclusive opportunity to engage with Paul Duffy, the company's CEO.

The townhall aims to shed light on recent advancements and outline strategic goals for the second quarter of 2024. Following the recent collaboration on TODAQ's micropayment and AI conversational checkout system, the focus of the discussion will likely involve deep insights into this partnership, among other developments. Key discussion points will include the company's business roadmap, specifically emphasizing sales organization enhancement, brand development for 'Follow Your Heart,' and the pursuit of FDA certification within the quarter.

This event promises to offer a comprehensive overview of AI/ML Innovations Inc.'s business trajectory in the near term, with tangible plans outlined for the upcoming months. Participants are encouraged to register for the live broadcast on April 7th for an informative session on the company's progress and future endeavors.

R. P.

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