sur AIXTRON SE (isin : DE000A0WMPJ6)
AIXTRON Awarded Gold Supplier by BOE HC SemiTek for Micro LED Collaboration
AIXTRON SE has been recognized with the Gold Supplier Award from BOE HC SemiTek for their collaboration in Micro LED technology development. The award symbolizes the successful partnership between AIXTRON, a leading deposition equipment provider, and BOE HC SemiTek, a key player in the display industry. This partnership, spanning over 19 years and focusing on Micro LED technology since 2022, utilizes 150mm gallium nitride (GaN) and arsenide-phosphide (AsP) materials.
BOE HC SemiTek makes use of AIXTRON’s GaN and GaAs tools globally, crucial for producing premium displays for OEM partners. AIXTRON’s advancements in Micro LED technology have facilitated the development of new products, leading to several repeat orders for its tools. Micro LEDs represent a significant advance for future displays including large-area screens, automotive applications, and enhanced AR/VR experiences. This technology necessitates close cooperation between suppliers and end-users to address its complexity and cost pressures.
Dr. Felix Grawert, CEO of AIXTRON SE, expressed gratitude for the recognition of their efforts in advancing Micro LED technology. Mr. Zhaohong Zhang, Chairman of BOE HC SemiTek, highlighted the exceptional collaboration with AIXTRON and its contribution to achieving ambitious product goals. The award emphasizes the unparalleled teamwork and resulting groundbreaking achievements in the field of Micro LED technology.
R. P.
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