sur Alibaba Cloud

Alibaba Cloud Introduces Latest AI Models and Infrastructure

Alibaba Cloud has unveiled a new range of AI models, tools, and infrastructure to enhance global AI development. Announced at the annual developer summit, these innovations aim to support developers in creating cost-effective AI applications and fostering a dynamic global AI community.

The upgrades include the Qwen models, ranging from 7 to 72 billion parameters, available through Alibaba Cloud's Model Studio. These models, alongside tools like Tongyi Lingma, offer features such as code completion, optimization, and debugging assistance.

Alibaba Cloud will also roll out its 9th Generation Enterprise Elastic Compute Service (ECS) in April, providing a 20% efficiency boost. The Alibaba Cloud Container Compute Service (ACS), launched in January, simplifies workload deployment, reducing costs and complexity.

The Alibaba Cloud GenAI Empowerment Program supports startups using the Qwen models, offering cloud credits and training. Partners like Axcxept and OxValue.AI benefit from these models in AI-driven applications across varying sectors.

R. P.

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