sur ALT5 Sigma Corp

ALT5 Sigma Partners with Odoo for Crypto Payment Integration

ALT5 Sigma Corporation has announced a strategic partnership with Odoo to integrate crypto payment solutions into the Odoo Marketplace. This collaboration will incorporate ALT5 Pay into Odoo's POS, eCommerce, and ERP systems. The integration aims to provide over 13 million Odoo users, across 170 countries, with innovative cryptocurrency payment solutions.

Odoo customers can seamlessly adopt ALT5 Pay through user-friendly API connections. This initiative aligns with Odoo's goal of enhancing payment flexibility and embracing cutting-edge financial technologies. The partnership is expected to enable Odoo's partner ecosystem to diversify payment options and expand market reach.

Peter Tassiopoulos, CEO of ALT5 Sigma, expressed enthusiasm for collaborating with Odoo, recognizing its global standing and investor backing. This partnership supports the advancement of blockchain adoption and financial inclusion.

R. E.

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