Altareit announces court decision on Primonial case

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action ALTAREIT (EPA:AREIT).

On February 4, 2025, Altareit announced that its parent company, Altarea, issued a press release regarding the Primonial case. This press release reports a decision by the Paris Economic Activities Court. The latter ruled that Altarea did not commit any infringement in the resolution of the acquisition protocol with Primonial.

The court thus dismissed in full the claims for compensation by the Primonial sellers against Altarea. Altareit, 99.85% owned by Altarea, is thus strengthened by this favorable legal decision.

For more details, Altarea invited interested parties to consult the full press release on its website. The company emphasizes the transparency of its financial communications by providing direct access to this information.

R. P.

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