ALTEN Announces Share Capital and Voting Rights Update

On March 7, 2025, ALTEN SA disclosed new details regarding its share capital and voting rights. As of February 28, 2025, the company reported a total of 35,266,866 ordinary shares. These contribute to the theoretical total of 40,724,556 voting rights available.
ALTEN, a major name on the Euronext Paris under the ISIN code FR0000071946, alerted investors about Article 9 of its Articles of Association. This article mandates that any shareholders reaching or breaching a 3% threshold in share capital or voting rights must notify the company within 15 days.
Operating in the Engineering and Technology Consulting sectors, ALTEN drives technical and IT projects across various industries. Its position on indices such as SBF 120 and MIDCAP100 reflects its significant market presence.
R. H.
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