ALTEN Reports Mixed 2024 Financial Results

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action ALTEN (EPA:ATE).

ALTEN, a leader in Engineering and Technology Consulting, released its 2024 annual results, showing a slight organic decline but stable overall revenue. Revenue reached €4,143.3 million, marking a 1.8% year-over-year increase. In France, revenue grew by 4.8%, while international revenue rose by 0.4%. However, on a like-for-like basis, there was a minor decline of 0.2%.

The operating margin on activity was 9.1%, slightly down from 9.4% in 2023. Operating profit fell to €277.0 million, which is 6.7% of revenue, impacted by goodwill impairments and restructuring costs, especially in the UK and Germany.

The company experienced a 20.1% decrease in net income, group share, totaling €186.4 million, while free cash flow surged by 81.4% to €333.2 million. Despite challenges, ALTEN's net cash stood at €275.5 million at year-end, with investments maintaining its capacity for self-funded growth.

R. H.

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