ALTEN's 2024 Performance: A Year of Modest Growth

ALTEN closed 2024 with a revenue growth of 1.8%, reaching €4,143.3 million. This rise is mainly driven by a 4.8% increase in France, while international markets reported a marginal gain of 0.4%. On a constant scope and exchange rate basis, ALTEN experienced a slight decline of 0.2% in revenue, with a significant drop outside France at -2.6% compared to a 4.8% increase in France.
In the fourth quarter, the company's activity fell by 0.5%, primarily due to a 1.7% decline internationally. Despite growth in sectors such as Defense, Civil Aeronautics, Rail, and Energy, the Automotive and Telecom sectors saw a slowdown.
2024 saw ALTEN expand with two acquisitions in Asia and Poland, and finalize the acquisition of Worldgrid. However, they divested a subsidiary in Asia, indicating strategic repositioning. The outlook for 2025 anticipates stable activity without a significant uptick.
R. H.
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