sur AlzChem Group AG (isin : DE000A0AHT46)
Alzchem Group AG: 5th Interim Report on Share Buyback Program
Alzchem Group AG has disclosed details of its share buyback program pursuant to Article 5 of the EU Regulation 596/2014 and Article 2 Section (1) of the Delegated EU Regulation 2016/1052. Between January 13th and January 17th, 2025, the company acquired 2,348 shares as part of the initiative announced on November 29th, 2024. In total, 33,003 shares have been repurchased via XETRA by a financial institution on behalf of Alzchem Group AG.
The transaction during the reported period had a weighted average price of EUR 62.6645 per share, culminating in an aggregated purchase volume of EUR 147,136.20. Detailed information on the daily transactions can be accessed on the company's website.
R. E.
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