sur AMA Corporation (EPA:ALAMA)

AMA: New Strategic Direction to Accelerate Innovation and Boost Growth

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action AMA Corporation (EPA:ALAMA).

AMA Corporation PLC has announced a strategic action plan to seize new opportunities in the assisted Reality market. This initiative leverages the company's experience in artificial intelligence (AI) and will be supported by a €4 million non-dilutive investment from its main shareholder, Guillemot Brothers SAS. The plan aims to generate annual savings of €2 million.

AMA plans to enhance services for clients by improving efficiency, traceability, process compliance, and expertise-sharing among frontline workers. The XpertEye platform will introduce new AI-driven features such as Data Locker API and AI Report. A key part of this transformation includes reducing the workforce by approximately 30 positions, closing the subsidiary in China, and implementing a job protection plan in France.

The company has also made leadership changes, appointing Etienne Guillemot as the new CEO and adding a Chief Data Officer to the Management Committee. These changes aim to strengthen the company's cross-functional teams and data security measures.

Etienne Guillemot expressed confidence in the company's adaptability and innovative solutions, emphasizing the backing of Guillemot Brothers SAS and the commitment of AMA’s teams to achieve profitability and growth.

R. E.

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