sur Amarc Resources Ltd. (NASDAQ:AXREF)

Amarc Resources Ltd. announces its participation in three conferences in March 2024

Amarc Resources Ltd., based in Vancouver, has unveiled its participation program in three major mining sector conferences in March 2024. The events will provide the company with the opportunity to present its copper and gold projects located in British Columbia, in front of an audience of investors and industry professionals.

From March 1 to 2, Amarc will take part in the Metal Investors Forum in Toronto. The company's presentation, led by its President and CEO, Dr. Diane Nicolson, is scheduled for March 1 at 10:10 am Eastern Time, followed by a Q&A session. Amarc's team will also be present at PDAC 2024, from March 3 to 6, where they will have a booth to welcome participants and discuss their initiatives. Finally, on March 26, Amarc will participate in Kinvestor's virtual conference on critical minerals and mining investment, with a new presentation by Dr. Nicolson scheduled for 11:00 am Eastern Time.

The company has emphasized its commitment to the exploration and development of its JOY, DUKE, and IKE districts, all located near key infrastructure and aiming for significant discoveries in 2024.

R. H.

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