sur AMC Health

AMC Health obtains HITRUST certification to enhance data security in virtual healthcare

AMC Health, a major player in virtual healthcare solutions, has announced obtaining HITRUST CSF v9.3 certification, marking its commitment to the rapid transformation of the healthcare sector while ensuring data security and integrity. The certification confirms that AMC Health's information protection program aligns with NIST objectives and meets certification criteria based on HITRUST CSF® v9.3 risk for two years.

"We are thrilled to achieve this essential HITRUST certification. This demonstrates AMC Health's ongoing commitment to the highest level of security on our platform," said Nesim Bildirici, CEO of AMC Health. The certification further enhances the CareConsole virtual care platform, already recognized with an FDA Class II clearance, setting a new standard in the industry.

The process of obtaining HITRUST CSF v9.3 certification included a thorough analysis, self-assessment, and external audit of AMC Health's SaaS platform (CareConsole) and its supporting infrastructure. This certification provides assurance that payers, providers, and patients can engage with organizations that maintain the highest levels of transparency, integrity, and security, while complying with the complex regulations and frameworks governing the healthcare sector.

AMC Health emphasizes the importance of comprehensive care at every stage of the patient journey, combining patient-centered technology, health literacy education, and evidence-based management protocols to improve patient outcomes and access to care while reducing costs.

R. H.

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