sur Amdocs Management Limited

Amdocs to host meetings with financial analysts and investors at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona

Amdocs (NASDAQ: DOX), a leader in providing software and services to communication and media companies, announced today that Tamar Rapaport-Dagim, CFO & COO, will be hosting group meetings for financial analysts and investors at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. These meetings will take place on February 26 from 14:00 to 15:30 CET and on February 27 from 12:30 to 14:00 CET. Those interested are invited to contact Amdocs' Investor Relations at for more details and to reserve a spot.

With a global presence and around 29,000 employees, Amdocs specializes in supporting industry visionaries to deliver advanced communication and media experiences. In 2023, the company generated revenues of $4.89 billion and continues to innovate, particularly in helping service providers migrate to the cloud, differentiate in the era of 5G, and digitize and automate their operations. To explore Amdocs' resources and stay updated on the company's news, visit the website

R. H.

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