sur Reputation Leaders Ltd

Americans want CEOs to take a stand on environmental and social issues

A recent Reputation Leaders survey of 1,005 U.S. adults reveals that consumers expect company CEOs to take positions on issues that reflect their company's values. This study, carried out in February 2024, highlights the importance for managers to address environmental (27%) and social (26%) issues in alignment with their company's principles. However, it recommends a cautious approach regarding polarizing geopolitical topics, with 24% of consumers preferring a neutral stance from corporate figures in these areas.

The importance of ethics and fair treatment of employees (36%) is highlighted as having as much impact on the company's image as the quality of its products or services (36%). A company's image among women is particularly influenced by the way it treats its employees (41%). Unfair practices towards employees or customers are also singled out for their negative impact on a company's reputation.

R. H.

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