Amoéba Reports 2023 Earnings: A Transition Year Ahead of Product Launch

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action AMOEBA (EPA:ALMIB).

Amoéba, a French biotech company specializing in microbiological risk treatment, revealed its financial outcomes for the year ending December 31, 2023. With its primary focus on developing a biocontrol agent for agriculture and exploring potential applications in cosmetics, the company announced a year characterized by strategic positioning and financial maneuvering in anticipation of the market launch of its innovative products.

The financial highlights indicate a challenging year, with net income reported at -€14,298K compared to -€8,023K the previous year. This decline was attributed to higher industrial deployment costs and a significant non-recurring impairment charge, due to the deferral of a key industrial project. Despite these setbacks, Amoéba viewed 2023 as a preparatory phase, bolstering its research and development efforts, marked by a 44% increase in grants primarily from the research tax credit. The year also saw necessary adjustments in administrative and operational expenses, reflecting the company's evolving business dynamics.

Amoéba's significant strategic actions during the year included the establishment of the commercial brand AXPERA for its biocontrol solution, successful field tests across diverse geographies, and notable advancements in its cosmetic applications with a new patent application filed. These initiatives were supported by a drive to secure financing, evidenced by a new financing agreement and funding from Bpi France under the France 2030 program.

The company also implemented governance changes, with new leadership appointed to guide Amoéba through its transition from R&D to a more commercially and industrially focused entity. With plans for high-margin activities and a cautious approach towards financial commitments, Amoéba aims to consolidate its positioning in the biocontrol and cosmetics sectors, anticipating product launches in the near future.

R. E.

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