Amundi Crosses a Threshold in BNP Paribas

Amundi, an asset management company, recently declared, by letter received on November 19, 2024, that it had crossed the threshold of 5% of the capital and voting rights of BNP Paribas. As of November 15, 2024, Amundi holds 57,447,112 shares representing 5.08% of the capital and voting rights of BNP Paribas. This acquisition took place on the market.
The shares are distributed among several Amundi entities, including Amundi Asset Management with 4.64%, Amundi Austria GmbH with 0.02%, and Amundi Ireland Limited with 0.17%, among others. The crossing of thresholds, governed by Article L. 233-7 of the French Commercial Code, is established under the responsibility of the declarant, without verification of the information by the AMF.
R. P.
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