sur Amundi Physical Metals Plc

Amundi Physical Metals plc Issues Final Terms for Gold Securities

Amundi Physical Metals plc has announced the final terms for its Amundi Physical Gold ETC securities under its Secured Precious Metal Linked ETC Securities Programme. On May 23, 2024, the company issued 295,000 ETC securities, designated as Tranche 556. These securities are tied to physical gold, seeking to provide exposure to the gold price.

The newly issued tranche adds to the aggregate series total, now reaching 45,815,655 securities. Each security's initial metal entitlement is set at 0.04 fine troy ounces of gold, adjusting to 0.03971974 ounces by the subscription trade date. This tranche is set to mature on May 23, 2118.

Applications have been submitted to list and trade these ETC securities on various exchanges, including Euronext Paris, Euronext Amsterdam, Deutsche Börse, and the London Stock Exchange, among others. Notably, the total expense ratio stands at 0.12% per annum.

R. E.

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