sur Amundi Physical Metals Plc

Amundi Physical Metals plc: UK Final Terms Announced

Amundi Physical Metals plc has published the final terms for its issuance of ETC Securities under the Amundi Physical Gold ETC Programme. This issuance, referenced as Tranche 563, consists of 170,000 ETC Securities, bringing the aggregate number of series to nearly 49 million.

The final terms adhere to the base prospectus dated May 20, 2019, and supplemented by various updates, including the current base prospectus dated May 3, 2024. The initial metal entitlement for this tranche is set at 0.03971739 fine troy ounces.

This new tranche is set for issue on June 12, 2024, with a scheduled maturity date of May 23, 2118. The issuing board approved the securities on April 25, 2019. HSBC Bank plc, Jane Street Financial Limited, Flow Traders B.V., and other notable financial entities are listed as authorized participants.

Applications for listing these ETC Securities are planned for Euronext Paris, Euronext Amsterdam, Deutsche Börse, Borsa Italiana, and the London Stock Exchange. The estimated net proceeds from this issue are USD 15,559,216.00, with associated trading admission expenses around €3,000.

R. E.

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