Amundi reduces its stake in BNP Paribas

On December 9, 2024, BNP Paribas announced that the management company Amundi had crossed downwards the threshold of 5% of the capital and voting rights of the banking institution. This declaration, received the same day, specifies that, since December 4, 2024, Amundi now holds 55,951,643 shares of BNP Paribas, representing 4.95% of the capital and voting rights of the company. This decrease results from a sale of shares on the market.
Amundi, acting on behalf of various funds, has distributed its 55,951,643 shares between several entities, including Amundi Asset Management and Société Générale Gestion. The transaction reflects the active management of Amundi's stake in BNP Paribas, a 70% subsidiary of Crédit Agricole.
R. E.
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