sur Andritz AG (isin : AT0000730007)

ANDRITZ Shows Resilient Performance in Q3 2024

International technology group ANDRITZ AG reported a solid third quarter in 2024, navigating a challenging economic climate. Despite a slight revenue decline, the company's order intake rose, fueled by projects in Hydropower and Metals.

Key drivers included orders for equipment to support e-mobility and significant hydropower upgrades, such as the Chenderoh plant in Malaysia. Engineering studies for carbon capture and green hydrogen production were also noteworthy.

CEO Joachim Schönbeck expressed satisfaction with maintaining profitability levels, despite revenue challenges. Due to persistent market difficulties, ANDRITZ adjusted its 2024 outlook to slightly lower revenue but stable profit margins. Revenue decreased by 3%, while the EBITA margin remained stable at 8.5%.

R. P.

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