Annual Review and Outlook: JAJ Group publishes its financial results for 2023/2024

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action GROUPE JAJ (EPA:GJAJ).

JAJ Group recorded a turnover of 28.776 million euros for the financial year 2023-2024, marking a decrease of 8.8% compared to the previous year. Despite a difficult winter season and exceptionally warm weather which impacted sales, particularly in the clothing sector, the company noted significant growth in Scandinavia and Spain.

The sector has also been affected by inflation and a change in household spending priorities. However, the performances of its SCHOTT and RIVIERAS brands on webstores and market places were positive, with respective increases of 7% and 11%. Note also significant increases for the Talange outlet and the La Rochelle boutique.

Furthermore, Groupe JAJ announces that it will continue its investments in the modernization of its webstores and strengthen its partnerships to support growth in the future. In addition, the company is initiating a CSR approach, aiming to sustainably integrate environmental principles into its practices, with a view to obtaining ISO 26000 certification.

R. E.

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