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APONTIS PHARMA AG Appoints CFO Thomas Zimmermann to Management Board

Monheim / Rhein, 27 June 2024. APONTIS PHARMA AG has announced the appointment of Thomas Zimmermann as CFO to the Executive Board, effective 1 July 2024. Zimmermann, who has been with the company as CFO since January 2022, will hold this position until 30 June 2027.

His role will include oversight of Finance, Investor Relations, Compliance, Contract Management, IT, and ESG. The decision aims to support APONTIS PHARMA's strategic expansion, including the growth of its Single Pill combination portfolio and future internationalization efforts.

Dr. Matthias Wiedenfels, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, expressed confidence in Zimmermann’s expertise in finance and pharmaceuticals. Zimmermann emphasized his commitment to efficient processes and effective risk management in preparation for the company's international expansion.

R. P.

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