sur Aquis Stock Exchange

Aquis Stock Exchange Announces Withdrawal of PanGenomic Health Inc. from Trading

In a recent announcement made by the Aquis Stock Exchange, PanGenomic Health Inc.'s ordinary shares, with the symbol NARA and ISIN CA69842E2050, will be officially withdrawn from trading on the Aquis Stock Exchange Growth Market. This change takes effect from the market opening today, 18 March 2024. The decision impacts the trading landscape of the Growth Market, spotlighting changes in the availability of securities for investors who follow this particular stock. The exchange confirmed the withdrawal but did not provide additional details behind the decision for PanGenomic Health Inc.'s withdrawal.

This move is part of the normal regulatory functions and oversight performed by the Aquis Stock Exchange to manage the securities listed on its platform, ensuring compliance and protecting investor interests. The Aquis Stock Exchange is located on Floor 2, 63 Queen Victoria Street, EC4N 4UA, and serves as a key player in offering a platform for securities trading in the United Kingdom.

R. E.

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