sur Aricolin Investments S.A. (isin : DE000A2R28T1)

Aricolin Investments S.A. Announces Amendments to Poco Bond Terms

Aricolin Investments S.A., based in Madrid, has proposed changes to the terms of its corporate bond, known as the “Poco Bond” (ISIN: DE000A2R28T1). The company has scheduled a vote without a meeting from February 10 to February 12, 2025, to seek approval from bondholders. The revisions are part of a strategic plan to restructure the bond as part of a broader financing strategy.

The proposed amendments include extending the bond's term to December 31, 2028, and updating the issuer's termination rights. A key element involves classifying the bonds under Spanish law as profit participation rights. Additionally, there will be an amendment focusing on prioritizing bridge financing of approximately EUR 91,790 by a shareholder.

Details and necessary documents for the vote are published in the Federal Gazette and available on the Aricolin Investments S.A. website from January 23, 2025.

R. P.

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