sur Armory Mining Corp. (isin : CA0422791099)

Armory Mining Corp. Finalizes LIFE Offering

On January 22, 2025, Armory Mining Corp. announced the closing of its non-brokered private placement LIFE offering, resulting in the issuance of 5,016,111 common shares at $0.135 per share, generating gross proceeds of $677,175. This closed offering involves payments of $65,017 in cash finder's fees, 481,611 finder's warrants, and 370,500 finder's shares to eligible finders. The finder's warrants can be exercised at $0.135 per share through January 22, 2029. As part of the transaction, 700,000 additional shares were issued as compensation for advisory services.

The capital raised will fund exploration in the Kaslo Silver project and the Nova Scotia Ammo Project, alongside supporting corporate purposes and working capital. Shares issued under this offering are not subject to a hold period under Canadian securities laws. Further details are available on Armory's profiles from both SEDAR and the company's website.

R. H.

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