sur Arras Minerals Corp. (isin : US8274582092)

Arras Minerals Corp. Announces Shareholder Meeting Results

Arras Minerals Corp. reported the results from its annual and special meeting of shareholders, which took place on April 30, 2024. At the meeting, 33.5% of Arras' shares were represented, addressing various corporate matters including the election of directors and approval of an equity incentive plan.

Shareholders approved the setting of the company's board to seven directors with a significant majority. Directors elected include Brian Edgar, Timothy Barry, Darren Klinck, G. Wesley Carson, Daniel Kunz, Vera Kobalia, and Christian Milau, with the majority receiving over 96% of votes in favor.

Additionally, the appointment of Smythe LLP as Arras' auditors for the upcoming fiscal year was ratified, and the company's equity incentive plan, with amendments, was re-approved with 95.3% voting in favor.

Further details related to the meeting and ongoing business initiatives can be accessed through Arras Minerals Corp.'s filings on SEDAR.

R. P.

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