sur Arras Minerals Corp. (isin : US8274582092)
Arras Minerals Corp. Discovers New Copper Anomaly in Kazakhstan
Arras Minerals Corp. has announced the discovery of a new copper soil anomaly, named the Aimandai Target, within its Elemes Project in northeastern Kazakhstan. This 14 km x 3.2 km anomaly exhibits high copper (>100ppm) concentrations and overlaps with an arsenic anomaly, suggesting a porphyry system. The discovery follows the February announcement of the Berezski Target, marking two significant finds in the region.
The soil sampling program, which included around 31,000 samples, indicated not only the presence of copper but also arsenic, hinting at a high sulphidation epithermal system. Despite no drilling on the Aimandai Target yet, the phenomena observed align with characteristics of a porphyry alteration system. This finding, alongside the previously discovered Berezski Target, underscores the project's potential for hosting significant copper deposits.
Arras Minerals CEO, Tim Barry, highlighted the Elemes Project's emerging potential for valuable copper resources. The company aims to further explore these targets in 2024. Located within the mineral-rich Bozshakol-Chingiz belt, the Elemes Project benefits from excellent infrastructure and proximity to Arras' operational base in Ekibastuz.
The soil analysis was performed using Portable X-ray fluorescence devices, with results showing copper concentrations significantly above background levels. These findings add to the anticipation around Arras' ongoing exploration efforts in Kazakhstan, leveraging its significant license portfolio in the country.
R. H.
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