sur Artnet AG (isin : DE000A1K0375)

Artnet AG: AGM Outcomes and Future Strategy

Berlin, March 1, 2025 – Artnet AG, a key player in art market data and online transactions, concluded its Annual General Meeting, revealing significant strategic plans. The CEO highlighted growth potential through AI innovations, including a chatbot, despite market challenges. Artnet's position strengthened with $5 million in cost savings from restructuring efforts.

The AGM featured supervisory board elections. New members include Roy Israel and Rory Normanton, with Dr. Pascal Decker re-elected. Proposed capital increase was blocked by shareholder Weng Fine Art. This recurrent outcome limits capital access during a critical market phase.

Shareholder engagement was high, with lively discussions indicating strong interest in Artnet's future. The company remains optimistic about financing opportunities and market leadership expansion, emphasizing digital growth and transaction efficiency in the art market.

R. P.

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