sur Artnet AG (isin : DE000A1K0375)
Artnet AG Announces New Supervisory Board Members for 2024 AGM
Artnet AG has announced its 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will occur on February 27, 2025. The agenda includes electing a new Supervisory Board, increased from three to five members, aimed at strengthening the company's governance and growth. The candidates include Frédéric Jousset, Sophie Neuendorf, Rüdiger K. Weng, Lawrence B. Benenson, and Roy Israel. All are recognized for their substantial contributions to the art market and come from diverse backgrounds.
The AGM will also address the creation of authorized capital up to 20% of the company's share capital. This move aims to enhance liquidity, technology development, and market reach. Additionally, a new auditor will be proposed for the 2024 financial year, as the current auditor will step down. The detailed AGM invitation and agenda will soon be accessible to shareholders on the Federal Gazette and the company's website.
R. H.
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