sur Artnet AG (isin : DE000A1K0375)

Artnet Initiates Tender for New Audit Firm and Schedules AGM 2024

On November 28, 2024, Artnet AG announced the commencement of the tender process to invite proposals from auditing firms. This step adheres to regulatory standards for entities listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. The process will culminate in the supervisory board proposing an auditing firm for shareholder approval at the annual general meeting (AGM).

In alignment with regulatory requirements, Artnet updated its financial calendar, scheduling the 2024 AGM for mid-February 2025. This rescheduling aims to ensure a swift engagement of a new auditing firm. The management expresses regret over the delay of this year's AGM and is committed to timely proceedings henceforth.

The 2023 fiscal year's annual report is currently accessible, providing detailed insights into Artnet’s financial standing and performance.

R. P.

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