sur Artnet AG (isin : DE000A1K0375)

Artnet Unveils AI-Powered Chatbot Revolutionizing Art Market Interaction

Artnet, a leading platform in art market data, announced the development of an AI-powered chatbot. Set to launch in Q2 2025, this tool will transform interactions with auction data by integrating large language models and advanced data processing techniques. The chatbot aims to convert static auction records into dynamic and interactive insights.

The initiative marks a shift towards AI-native market research. By leveraging Artnet’s extensive auction records, the system will understand market trends, detect patterns, and predict pricing movements. Collectors and institutions will gain unprecedented access to art market history for enhanced insights.

CEO Jacob Pabst highlights the system's ability to reshape market intelligence by offering contextualized, predictive, and personalized insights. The AI chatbot will facilitate instant access to historical context, market analysis, and price comparison, enhancing art research precision.

R. H.

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