sur ARway Corporation (isin : CA04336A1049) Announces New Website Launch and Price Adjustments for AR Navigation Platform

ARway Corporation has unveiled a new website and pricing structure for its augmented reality (AR) and spatial computing platform,, in response to increased global demand. Aimed at providing a more flexible and robust solution for developers and businesses, these changes mark a significant step in the company's growth trajectory. Based in Toronto, specializes in AI-powered AR experiences without the need for coding or beacons, offering precise navigation through visual marker tracking.

The company reports significant growth with 51 SaaS subscription accounts and over 3,700 users on the free Starter Plan, indicating the platform's increasing popularity. also boasts over 250 monthly active users and has established partnerships with seven paid partners, with seven more prospective partnerships in progress. This expansion highlights ARway's commitment to enhancing its developer community and service offerings.

New pricing for the Developer Plan includes a monthly option at $199 and Pilot Plans ranging from $10,000 to $18,000 per project, designed to cater to varied development needs and offer increased flexibility. These adjustments reflect the growing demand for's technology and their enhanced product offerings, which now feature multi-floor navigation and custom branding options.

In addition to pricing changes, ARway Corporation is excited to present its redesigned website, offering a user-friendly interface to better showcase its advanced AR solutions. This launch aligns with the company's strategy to better meet the demands of its expanding global user base and solidify its position in the spatial computing market.

R. H.

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