sur ARway Corporation (isin : CA04336A1049) Announces Strategic Partnerships Across Various Industries for Augmented Reality Experience Platform has officially announced new partnerships with industry leaders in real estate, fashion, and hospitality, signaling a significant advancement in augmented reality (AR) adoption. This collaboration involves in the UK, 3D Marx in the UAE, and Aigentless in the USA. Through these alliances, aims to enhance customer experience using its AI-powered AR Experience platform.

In the fashion and retail sector, will leverage ARway's technology to offer immersive experiences to notable clients, including luxury brands such as Rolls Royce and Burberry. 3D Marx plans to integrate ARway's indoor navigation and advertising solutions across retail and hospitality industries to upgrade immersive customer engagement. Meanwhile, Aigentless, a US-based real estate startup, will employ ARway's augmented reality for a unique property showcasing experience.

These strategic SaaS deals underline the growing acceptance and implementation of AR/VR/XR technologies in mobile applications for marketing, advertising, and enhanced customer interaction. ARway's no-code, beacon-free spatial computing solution is positioned to redefine the standards of engagement across multiple sectors.

Following a recent agreement with in Saudi Arabia for government projects, these new partnerships further establish's role as a forefront innovator in the AR space. The company's technology, offering centimeter precision through visual marker tracking, is set to push the boundaries of spatial computing and user engagement.

R. E.

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